In a galaxy as war-torn as the one in Star Wars, it’s no surprise that a lot of military trash gets left behind after big battles. In The Force Awakens, Rey not only lives inside a fallen Imperial AT-AT walker, but also spends her days picking through the wreckage of a crashed Star Destroyer to find junk to sell.
A short story in the Star Wars Tales comic series has several parallels to The Force Awakens. It tells the story of a marooned Rebel soldier and an Imperial Stormtrooper who finally abandons his remote post over a year after the Battle of Endor. The pair bicker a bit at first before working together to get off the planet: neither one of them knows whose side won the war, so it comes as a bit of a shock to the Stormtrooper to discover a rusting Star Destroyer among wreckage in the forest, near an Ewok village.
The trooper decides not to rejoin a galaxy that’s long since ousted its Imperial oppressors, and he instead chooses to live among the Ewoks for the foreseeable future. The final panel of the comic shows him living in an AT-ST walker, smiling as he puffs on a pipe and enjoying the tranquil forest scenery.
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