One of the most compelling new characters introduced in The Force Awakens is Finn, the Stormtrooper who chooses to abandon the First Order after combat turns out to be less fun than sanitation work. The Expanded Universe is full of former Imperial soldiers joining the Rebellion – even Han Solo’s old backstory involved time as an Imperial pilot before he fell in love with the smuggler lifestyle.
One of the most interesting stories featuring a defecting Imperial comes from the X-Wing Rogue Squadron comic series. One storyline tells the tale of a formidable Imperial pilot, Baron Soontir Fel, as he chooses to turn traitor and join the Rebellion. He’s not made to feel quite as welcome as Finn is in the Resistance, though, and some of his new crewmates are unhappy serving alongside someone who has shot down many of their allies. The story’s full of political intrigue and shows a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the Empire, as it explores a lot of the political infighting, and the after-effects of Alliance victories.
Even though it’s unlikely that The Force Awakens is deliberately referencing a little-known comic book from the ‘90s, it’s a good place for Star Wars fans to start if they’d like to read another story similar to Finn’s.
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