1. Having no idea how you got those random bruises.
Taking a shower is just as much about marveling at newfound
mystery spots as it is actually cleaning yourself. Each day is a mini-surprise.
“Ohhhh, look! Got a big boy right on my thigh. Ahhh, an especially purple one
on my arm!” Where did they come from? When did they get here? Some things
you’ll never truly know.
2. Stairs are your arch nemesis.
Yes, you will be clutching the side railing for dear life
because you know what happens when you don’t. You somehow even manage to trip
walking UP the stairs. Truly gifted.
3. You weren’t the most athletic kid growing up.
Sports weren’t your forte. Or really anything that required
basic hand-eye coordination.
*Typical conversation with your P.E. teacher*
“You mean, you expect me to actually CATCH that flying object
hurtling towards me????”
4. Dreading your period.
Okay, so very few of us really celebrate when we get our
periods (Unless you’re freaked you might be pregnant. In that case, BRING ON
AUNT FLO!). But in addition to the usual annoyance of cramping and generally
feeling terrible, you become even MORE clumsy. Hey, nothing says a good time
quite like blood and losing your balance!
5. Being afraid to hold someone’s baby.
Because you can’t just offer to replace that shit if you drop
6. Uneven pavement ruins your day.
7. High heels, lol. No.
There are some women who glide along, graceful and
effortlessly chic in a gorgeous pair of stilettos. You will never be one of
them. But it’s okay. You rock those flats, baby girl.
8. You can’t really wear white.
Because if there is possibly a way you could spill something
on your pristine outfit, trust, YOU WILL. You’ve decided it’s not even your
fault. Gravity is just out to get you.
9. You fall on literally nothing.
Honestly, kudos. How do you even do this? You trip when there
isn’t anything to trip on. This kind of takes skill. Good for you.
10. Head-butting your date when you’re trying to be sexy.
Your attempts at seduction are always blocked by your natural
clumsiness. You should come equipped with a warning label. CAUTION: Hooking up
with this person means they will accidentally hurt you at some point.
11. You couldn’t ever master cutting things in a straight
In fact, you sort of sucked at all crafts that included using
your hands. (Read: all crafts)
12. Sometimes, you fantasize about becoming a
ballerina/professional dancer.
…And then run into a door. So, you have to let that dream go.
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